Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Glitch hauls, mistagged hauls, & some of my favorite hauls.

A lot of people have asked me in person about what stuff I have gotten since I've started couponing. Here are some pictures to show just a COUPLE of hauls I've done since I've started couponing in March 2014.

This was from a glitch deal* at Target:
They were accidentally in their system as $20 PLAYSTATION STORE GIFT CARDS marked down to only $6.
What a difference in price. I ended up buy 12 for $72. My boyfriend and his brother were happy men. This gave them $240 in games they could buy & everyone knows, the newest games cost $59.99, so this was a SWEEEEET deal.

 *What is a glitch deal? A glitch deal is a very rare situation that happens within a store system that marks the pricing of an item down to an unbelievable amount. Sometimes, the glitch deal items can be marked down to $0.00. In certain cities/states, it is against the law to prohibit a customer from receiving a low advertised priced forcing the store to give it to the purchasing customer.

These were a mistagged deal* at Target.
These are 6 foot banquet tables that were accidenly mistagged or falsely advertised in the Target Weekly Ad. These can run up to $78.99 according to 's pricing as of today. 
They were supposed to be advertised on sale for $27.99 each, which is still an awesome deal, but were falsely advertised for an unbelievable $6.00
I scored 6 tables at two different stores.

*What is a mistagged/falsely advertised deal? A mistagged/falsely advertised deal is when an item isn't advertised correctly and is marked at too low of a price or the wrong price.  In certain cities/states, it is against the law to prohibit a customer from receiving a low advertised priced forcing the store to give it to the purchasing customer.

Here are some baby haul's that I've done in the past:

& here are some of my favorite hauls I've done as well:

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